
竞争激烈 英文怎么说

竞争激烈 英文怎么说


竞争激烈  英文怎么说

highly competitive还有很多说法参考1. 那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程中一直不相上下。 The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way.2. 专业表演竞争激烈,若你想成功,就得吸引别人的注意力。 Professional acting is highly competitive work, and you really have to push yourself.3. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。 After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race.