
world map什么意思

world map什么意思


world   map什么意思

world map[英][wɜː(r)ld mæp][美][wɜrld mæp]世界地图; 例句:1.Its return to the world map in 1991 after a 51-year absence startled outsiders. 从世界地图上消失了51年之后,爱沙尼亚于1991年重新恢复独立,也让外界为之震惊。2.In the master bedroom of his falls church apartment hangs a world map with38 push pins, each representing a country geoffrey has visited. 他在福尔斯彻奇的公寓主卧内挂着一幅吸着38颗画钉的世界地图,每颗钉子代表杰弗里去过的国家。3.World map of human-induced soil degradation; 世界人为土壤退化图;4.He said it was clear that china needed ghana in particular and africa ingeneral in world politics and that ghana and africa could take advantage ofthat to stand on the shoulders of china, which had veto power, to project thecontinent on the world map. 他说很显然,中国在世界政治舞台上需要非洲尤其是加纳,加纳和非洲就可以因此站在一个有否决权的中国的肩膀上,在世界版图上凸现这个大陆。5.The city has already lost a third of its workforce since 2007 and it is slated tolose even more this year, due at least in part to uncertainty regarding thecity's place on the financial world map. 自2007年以来,伦敦金融城已经流失了三分之一的从业人员,今年将流失更多,至少部分原因在于它在世界金融版图中的地位存在不确定性。