
bells of freedom歌词

bells of freedom歌词


bells of freedom歌词

Bells Of FreedomPerformed by: Bon JoviAlbum: Have A Nice DayI have walkedAll aloneOn these streets我孤身一人走在路上I call home家在哪里?我呼唤着Streets of hope无论是在通往希望的路Streets of fear还是充满恐惧不安的路上我呼唤着Through the sidewalk cracksTime disappears时间在人行道边的裂缝中消逝I was lostOn my knees迷失在这荒原我无力地跪倒在地上Only ifHugged the fieldAs I chockedBack to tears紧握着这片土地我脸上满是泪水There's a silent scream远方一道无声的呼喊No one could hear无人听到So far awayFrom everythingYou know it's true但是你知道,你知道它Something insideThat makes you doWhat you got to do你的内心有个声音让你去做你应该去做的事情Ring the bells敲响那些钟吧!Ring them loud大声地敲响它们!Let them ringHere and now让它们在此时在此地怒吼吧!Just reach outAnd ring the bells of freedom伸出手来吧!敲响这自由的钟声!When your world'sCrashing downLike you've lost every round当你的世界支离破碎当你失去一切Stand the groundAnd ring the bells of freedom请站在这土地上敲响这自由的钟声!Up the steps of the church走上这圣堂的阶梯Through the fields in the dirt越过这充满秽物的原野In the darkI have seenThat the sun still shinesFor the one who believe在这无尽的黑暗之中我已看到那些坚信着的人们身上阳光依旧闪耀So far away尽管远隔千里So full of doubt尽管充满了疑惑You needed proof尽管充满了不安Just close your eyes但只要闭上双眼And hear the sound inside of you聆听你内心深处的声音Ring the bells敲响这些钟吧!Ring them loud大声地敲响它们!Let them ringHere and now让它们在此时在此地怒吼吧!Just reach outAnd ring the bells of freedom伸出手来吧!敲响这自由的钟声!When your world'sCrashing downLike you've lost every round当你的世界支离破碎当你失去一切Stand the groundAnd ring the bells of freedom请站在这土地上敲响这自由的钟声!Ring the bells敲响这些钟吧!Ring them loud大声地敲响它们!Let them ringHere and now让它们在此时在此地怒吼吧!Just reach outAnd ring the bells of freedom伸出手来吧!敲响这自由的钟声!When your world'sCrashing downLike you've lost every round当你的世界支离破碎当你失去一切Stand the groundAnd ring the bells of freedom请站在这土地上敲响这自由的钟声!Ring the bells敲响这些钟吧!Ring them loud大声地敲响它们!Let them ringHere and now让它们在此时在此地怒吼吧!Just reach outAnd ring the bells of freedom伸出手来吧!敲响这自由的钟声!