




sounds听起来 做动词\ 声音(传播的方式 )做形容词或名词------------------------------------------------------------------------略答sound1使发出声音. 2 听起来Faster than sound!(比声...sound v 听起来3响,发出声响4响,发声(说出声音)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------详答sound1名词 n. 1.声音,响声;【物】声[U][C]We heard sounds of laughter from the next room. 我们听到隔壁房间传来的阵阵笑声。 2喧闹声[C]The sounds from the next room woke up the child. 隔壁房间传来的喧闹声把孩子弄醒了。3.音调;【语】音[C]4.可听范围,听距[U]We camped within sound of the sea. 我们在听得见海涛声的地方露营。5.感觉,印象[U][C] 不及物动词 vi. 1.发声,响起;发音At this moment his footsteps sounded on the stairs. 这时候传来了他走在楼梯上的脚步声。2.听起来,听上去[W][L]The music sounds very pleasing to the ear. 这音乐听起来十分悦耳。3.被弄响,被吹奏The trumpet sounded for battle. 战斗的号角吹响了。4.回响5.召唤 及物动词 vt. 1.使发声,使响起He sounded his horn to warn the other driver. 他按喇叭提醒对方司机。2.(用钟、喇叭等)通知The bell sounded dismissal early today. 今天放学的铃响得早。3.发...音The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。4.敲击检查5.宣告;宣扬 sound2形容词 a. 1.健康的;健全的She is sound in body and mind. 她身心健康。2.完好的;坚固的I bought this sound house for a song. 我以低价买了这所完好无损的房子。3.合理的,明智的I acted on her sound advice. 我按她的忠告去做了。4.稳当的,可靠的5.充分的6.殷实的;扎实的He has a sound knowledge of science. 他有良好的科学知识。7.彻底的;不折不扣的His father gave him a sound beating for making trouble. 他父亲因他捣蛋而狠狠打了他一顿。8.忠实可信的 副词 ad. 1.十分地,充分地;酣畅地He was still sound asleep when I went in. 我走进去时他还在酣睡。 sound3及物动词 vt. 1.(用测锤)测...的水深They are sounding the river. 他们在测量河道的深度。2.试探,探听Maud sounded her on her willingness to take up the job. 莫德试探了一下她是否愿意做这个工作。 不及物动词 vi. 1.测水深2.探测,调查名词 n. [C]1.海峡;海湾2.海口;河口3.鱼鳔