
are you the one中文意思

are you the one中文意思


are you the one中文意思

Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?(the one代指之前提到的XXX,这里没有,所以我这么翻译)The traveller in time who has come 已经到来,时光间的旅客To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun 来治愈我的创伤,来给我阳光To walk this path with me until the end of time 和我一起走这条路,直到时间的尽头Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?Who sparkles in the night like fireflies 像流行在夜晚闪耀Eternity of evening sky 在永恒的夜空(eternity也可以译为来世:在来世的夜空)Facing the morning eye to eye 面对黎明,彼此对视Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?Who'd share this life with me 那个愿意与我分享此生的人Who'd dive into the sea with me 那个愿意和我一起沉入大海的人Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?Who's had enough of pain 受尽创伤的那个人And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore 不想再感到耻辱,不想!(anymore译为:不再,再也不;这里表示强调)Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?Who's love is like a flower that needs rain 爱像花一样需要滋润To wash away the feeling of pain 洗去那些苦楚Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear 那些让你迷茫的苦楚Are you the one? 你是否是那个人?To walk with me in garden of stars 和我走在星汉之间的那个人(garden of star我实在难以直译,就译为"很多星星"吧.......-_-|)The universe, the galaxies and Mars 银河,星系,火星(这句太专业了....我查到universe是万物,银河或者宇宙....galaxies是星系团只类的,字典上没有解释,只有例句)The supernova of our love is true 还有我们爱的超新星(nova是新星的意思.....我还是想说GTV播的魔兽里管不死巫妖发的霜之新星就叫"nova",看到这词好亲切~~~~~)翻译结束不做ctrl+c接着ctrl+v的键盘手,真正手工翻译┌人品┐├无敌┤└超人┘